
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) - is the responsibility of the company for the direct and indirect impact on the economic, environmental and social systems in which it is built.

The concept of corporate social responsibility includes such main aspects as: corporate management, human rights, labor relations, environment, consumer relations, community development.

In the field of its activities, the "Unisoft" Book Factory is guided by the current Legislation of Ukraine, the "Unisoft" Code of Corporate Ethics and the "Unisoft" Social Responsibility Policy.

In 2018, Forbes named the best socially responsible companies in the world. The technology giant "Google" took the first place in this list. It is followed by The Walt Disney Company and Lego, which announced the begining of production of their own products from their factories sources in March 2018. Apple has become a valuable partner of the Malala Foundation, which works to eliminate the problem of education, security and employment of girls. Company invests in vulnerable and marginalized communities through empowerment projects. In addition to funds, Apple has provided some American schools with their own equipment. Starbucks has pledged to hire 25,000 retirees by 2025 as part of its socially responsible efforts. Nike has donated $25 million and more than 32,000 pairs of special sneakers to doctors fighting COVID-19.

More and more companies in Ukraine choosing the direction of CSR. Because this is how responsible business works. This is how business makes a positive impact on society. This is how the trust is formed.

Code of Corporate Ethics

















The Corporate Code (hereinafter -“Code”) contains a set of corporate norms and rules that are inbreakable for all Unisoft employees (hereinafter - “Company”).

The purpose of the Code of Corporate Ethics is to determine the standards of the Company and the behavior of its employees aimed to maintaining ethical standards, quality of service and convenience for customers, increasing profitability, financial stability and efficiency of the Company.

In its activities, the book factory "Unisoft" adheres to the principles of social responsibility, corporate norms and rules in accordance with international standards.

Code Tasks:

Consolidate the Mission and corporate values ​​of the Company.

To ensure that all employees of the Company are aware of their personal responsibility to customers, business partners and colleagues for the performance of their duties, their role in the implementation of the Company's Mission.

Determine the basis of the Company's relationship with customers, business partners, state and municipal authorities, competitors and employees of the Company, protect the interests of customers, business partners and employees of the Company.

This Code does not violate generally accepted principles and norms of international law, legislation of Ukraine, rules and principles of business cooperation, ethical norms, specific needs and conditions, taking into account the Company's experience,

This Code contains universally binding rules of conduct that applied to all employees of the Company, regardless of their position, including owners and senior management of the Company. This is the basis for determining patterns of employee behavior.

We see our mission as building an "ideal country" on the scale of our enterprise, making books accessible and popular, and filling the younger generation and adults with goodness, knowledge, and values. We invite everyone to an exciting journey together through the book pages.

The fulfillment of the Company's Mission is facilitated by:

Management - managing success. Professional management in all areas of the Company's activity is the basis for achieving success and competitiveness of the Company. The Company implements best management practices and strives to meet international standards.

Innovation - the use of advanced technology. Our company is aimed at the use of advanced technologies in all areas of its activities. We are open to all new developments in science and technology, which will allow us to achieve the highest efficiency of the business.

Improvement is a continuous process. We are a continuously developing organization, self-improving and self-learning, using the principles of strategic planning and total quality management.

Personnel - we respect people working in our Company, creating a favorable psychological and professional climate for their work. We strive for the stability of the staff, equal treatment of all employees, increasing the welfare of employees, encouraging personal and professional growth. The team of our company are friendly and confident professionals.

Initiative is always encouraged. Smart initiative and creativity are welcomed and encouraged within the company, while respecting the principle of subordination and the existing framework of authority.

Clear objectives - always knowing what we want to achieve and how we want to achieve it. The success of the company: setting clear goals and defining ways to achieve them at all levels of management.

Company values:.

Employees. We are a company of professionals, focused on results. We value employee loyalty to the company. We encourage the professional and personal development of employees, as part of the Company's mission.

Partners - we value and respect our customers and suppliers.

Honesty - the Company and its employees operate on the basis of honesty and integrity. In all actions and decisions we base on the current legislative framework of Ukraine.

Well-being - we value the well-being of the Company and each employee individually. We strive to improve the welfare of employees, their social security and satisfaction with their work.

Results - We are results-oriented. We appreciate in our employees the ability to achieve it.

The company name "UNISOFT" - a word that unites people, causing a sense of pride and belonging to the company.

Company Reputation - we care about the reputation of the Company and build our activities on the principles that enhance it.

Principles of Business:

Caring for people - we care about the Company's employees, their development and professional growth.

Committed to Being the Best - we strive to be the best - each in our industry, contributing to the Company's leadership.

Relationships - We strive to make things happen for the long-term success of the Company. We make decisions based on personal responsibility for the Company.

Commitment - we do our best to deliver on our commitments, and we value responsibility, integrity and discipline.

Creative approach to business - we welcome and implement new ideas to solve our problems, achieving high quality and efficiency. We strive to ensure that every employee makes the most of his or her abilities.

In matters of moral and social policy, the Company is guided by the provisions and principles reflected in the Egmont Group Code of Conduct.

"Unisoft" Book Factory believes that the basic human rights of children and people must be protected. We do not use child labor or any form of forced or involuntary labor. The Company does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political opinion or disability.

The Company has a "Social Policy" in place that allows employees to receive rewards and assistance in hardship situations.

"Unisoft" Book Factory is a socially responsible company. We are responsible to the society in which we operate, above and beyond ensuring efficiency, employment, profits and compliance with the law.

"Unisoft's" social responsibility operates in areas such as protecting the environment, supporting the welfare of society (helping socially vulnerable groups, participating in social projects to promote books and reading).

It is categorically unacceptable in the Company:

theft, giving and taking bribes, including in the form of kickbacks, lying, distortion of reporting information, causing intentional material and moral damage to the Company, intentional damage to property, insulting and degrading colleagues, customers, partners and competitors;

being in the workplace and during working hours under the influence of alcohol;

administration of narcotic or psychotropic substances;

use of physical force towards co-workers;

disclosure of commercial and professional secrets, statements denigrating the reputation of the Company, its leaders, both in external and internal circles, the media, etc;

exercising personally or through authorized persons any commercial activity in the market segments where the Company is represented.

using one's official position for mercenary and intimate purposes, for the benefit of political parties, public to promote their activities;

conducting uncoordinated with the management meetings, negotiations, distribution of information with employees of competitor firms about the Company's activities.

leaving work without a valid reason, without notifying an employee of the HR Department and the head of the division, is considered as absence.

Співробітник Компанії має право на:

забезпечення організаційно-технічних умов, необхідних для якісного виконання посадових обов'язків;

участь за своєю ініціативою у конкурсі на заміщення будь-яких вакантних посад;

просування по службі, збільшення грошового змісту з урахуванням результатів та стажу роботи, рівня кваліфікації;

ознайомлення з усіма матеріалами своєї особистої справи, відгуками про свою діяльність та іншими документами, залучення до особистої справи;

проведення на його вимогу службового розслідування для спростування відомостей, що ганьблять його честь та гідність;

внесення пропозицій щодо вдосконалення своєї діяльності та бізнес-процесів Компанії в цілому.

своєчасну виплату заробітної плати відповідно до своєї кваліфікації, складності праці, кількості та якості виконаної роботи.

на надання щорічної основної відпустки загальною тривалістю не менше 24 календарних днів.

Всі робітники Компанії зобов’язані:

дотримуватись встановлених у Компанії ПВТР, посадових інструкцій, положень та регламентів;

підтримувати рівень кваліфікації, необхідний для якісного виконання посадових обов'язків;

не розголошувати комерційну та іншу охоронювану законом таємницю та конфіденційну інформацію, що стосується діяльності Компанії, незалежно від характеру та способу її отримання, а також не розголошувати відомості, що стали відомі робітнику у зв'язку з виконанням посадових обов'язків, відомості, що стосуються приватного життя, честі та гідності своїх колег та клієнтів Компанії;

дотримуватись передбачених законодавством заходів пожежної безпеки, правил та інструкцій з охорони праці;

дотримуватись пропускного режиму (пересування осіб, які не є співробітниками, по території підприємства лише у супроводі та за наявності дозволу керівника (службової записки на ім'я керівника).

At the heart of the requirements governing the behavior of company employees in the workplace is the principle of performance.
The working day of all employees is defined by the Internal Labor Rules (ILR).

Employees may deviate from the time schedule if it is necessary to perform work tasks. In all cases where an employee deviates from the approved schedule, the approval of the specific manager is required.

At the end of the working day, employees should put their workplace in order, taking into account the Company's existing requirements for health, safety, information and fire safety standards and applicable rules and procedures.

In addition to working hours, each employee needs resources to work: money, equipment, software, information, and more. The Company is committed to providing each employee with everything he or she needs to work effectively.

Each employee agrees to use the Company's resources at his or her disposal as efficiently as possible and only for work-related purposes.

Each employee of the Company is obliged to treat the resources at his/her disposal with care, to prevent their irrational and improper use, damage, loss, and transfer to third parties.

The Company has a negative attitude towards bad habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, etc.

The company does not tolerate the use of its premises for non-core activities, even outside business hours. Exceptions are allowed only for organizing classes for employees to improve their skills and professionalism, holding general corporate celebrations authorized by the management of the Company.

Relationship Principles

We work in a single team, Unisoft, and the results of one employee's work are often related to the results of another.

The absolute principle in relationships within the team is the principle of corporate cohesion and responsibility for the final result.

In order to build the most effective and comfortable interaction between employees the Company applies the following principles:

Mutual respect, politeness and friendliness should guide communication. It is not necessary to be friends with everybody, but it is necessary to treat people with whom you communicate kindly and respectfully at least in order to receive the same reciprocal attitude.

In a working environment only constructive and result-oriented communication makes sense.

Openness and honesty are the necessary conditions for the work of the Company employees. We do not tolerate any covert intrigue and manipulation within our team.

If you need help the first thing to do is to speak up. In this case, any employee will be assisted. The first step in solving any problem is to label it. Ask for help, put your request in a memo, and you will get help. In turn, be prepared to help whoever approaches you.

Don't hide mistakes. Only he, who does nothing, does not make mistakes.

If you think that work in any area could be improved, do not hesitate to make a suggestion. The Company welcomes and encourages suggestions and initiatives from employees to improve the Company.

If you are unclear about a job, ask competent people immediately.

Avoid personal evaluations of people at work. Everyone deserves a second chance, even if they fail.

Express positive evaluations of other people's work in public whenever possible.

Express negative evaluations of other people's work as privately as possible.

Management and employees should make every effort to create an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect and reciprocity. However, it should be the trust of confident professionals, not a willingness to forgive any errors due to personal sympathy. After all, if one made a mistake, careless attitude to the work, then the other will have to fix it and do more work. This is unfair and unacceptable. Each employee knows his duties, which he must perform better, so that, firstly, to realize his potential of a whole creative person, and secondly, not to create additional difficulties to their colleagues and teammates. This attitude toward work creates a strong foundation for sincere friendships.

On the company premises, all employees should be sure to greet each other and visitors, regardless of the degree of familiarity. To build trust and respect, we should be accurate in meeting commitments and agreements, and be honest and open with our colleagues. Each business unit in general, and each Company employee in particular, contributes to the achievement of common goals, so a disconnected "us" and "them" attitude toward colleagues is unacceptable.

You should be true professionals in your work - your personal attitude toward your colleague should not express and influence the results of joint work.

Having your own point of view on professional issues, the Company employee should defend it in an open and constructive dialogue. The dialogue should be conducted in a correct manner, without any hint of insult. The Company prohibits conversations regarding the honor and dignity of other employees, wages, benefits and privileges, unless it is a job-related necessity.

Finding the best solution often involves conflicts or disputes. Company employees must strive to prevent and avoid conflict situations.

Only constructive conflicts related to specific production issues or working moments and only when it is impossible to resolve the contradiction in another way are allowed in the Company. The main feature of a constructive professional conflict is that it never becomes personal. A dispute can be fought over disagreements in decisions, not over mutual personal grievances, and only in a correct manner.

If the conflict cannot be resolved by the efforts of the two conflicting parties, it must be resolved through the intervention of a third party. The immediate superior of the conflicting parties may serve as the third party. In this case, once the third party has made a decision, the conflict is considered to be over and both parties are obliged to comply with the decision. The direct supervisor must comply with the principle of clientelism when intervening in a conflict situation.

The main priority of the Company is the Clients and Customers of the products, their needs and problems. In order to support and strengthen mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation, the Company's employees should promptly respond to the needs and requests of changing Customers and Clients and continuously improve the quality of their service.

Employees, regardless of their position and functions, should strictly abide by such rules in their relations with the Company's Customers:

welcoming and escorting the Customer with a friendly smile, being polite and courteous in communication, providing the necessary assistance to the Customer, showing interest in solving those of their problems related to the services provided by the Company;

demonstrate readiness to communicate with the Client. Respect the personality and interests of the Company's clients, be honest and punctual in fulfilling their obligations. >Prefer to the time and resources of the Client and do not tolerate delays in resolving issues;

valuing their reputation and dignity, employees should avoid personal moral dependence on Clients, as well as undertaking obligations beyond their competence and authority;

give feedback and respond to Client requests in a timely manner.

Personal Questions from the Company's Management

The Director of the Company receives employees on personal matters every working day.

Meetings, meetings, negotiations

Work meetings, meetings and negotiations are scheduled at times based on the interests and capabilities of all participants. Therefore, on-time attendance at these events is mandatory for every employee of the Company. Late attendance at work meetings, appointments and negotiations is not permitted. If an employee is unable to attend a scheduled event at the agreed time, he or she should inform his or her supervisor and other interested parties in advance.

The person (initiator) responsible for organizing the meeting/meeting/negotiations shall:

determine in advance the necessary composition of participants;

agree the date, time, place and topic of the meeting/meeting/negotiations with all participants;

prepare and send the necessary handouts and working documents to all participants for review;

in case of change of time or place of the meeting/meeting/negotiations, immediately notify all participants.

Participants in the meeting/meeting/negotiations shall:

read the handouts and working papers received in advance;

if unable to attend the meeting/meeting/negotiations, notify all participants and ensure the participation of their deputy in the meeting/meeting/negotiations;

attend the meeting/meeting/negotiations in advance (5 minutes in advance).

If there is a change in any process relating to the activities of all Company employees, the matter must be brought up for general discussion at the next meeting. Otherwise, such actions/changes cannot be enacted.

Phone Calls.

An employee who calls or answers an outside call should first say hello and introduce himself or herself to the person on the phone. The Company recommends this form: "Hello. Unisoft Company. First and last name, listening to you...". You should pick up the phone no later than the third ring.

Do not disregard calls to the phone of a temporarily absent colleague - answer the phone and ask to call back later, indicating the expected time of return of the desired employee.

Employees with company cell phones should keep them on during work hours. If the employee is unable to take a phone call at this time, he/she should inform the recipient and call back within 2 hours.


In the course of activity of the Company constantly arises the need for interaction (correspondence) employees among themselves, as well as with customers and other external organizations. All correspondence can be divided into official and unofficial.

Official correspondence with the Company's clients and other external organizations is carried out only by sending them official documents. If necessary, additional documents may be added to the official document.

The type of delivery (mail, express delivery service, courier) of documents is established in each case individually, based on considerations of economic feasibility and convenience, as well as taking into account the requirements of the recipient.

The company holds regular training events aimed at the development of employee competencies.

Personnel training is carried out in several directions: individual and group training of managers, target training, advanced training.

The company provides all employees with equal opportunities for professional development. The company works with the personnel reserve.

Managers of subdivisions should provide career growth, both vertical (promotion) and horizontal (expansion of the area of responsibility, acquisition of new knowledge and skills) of employees of their subdivisions and their own.

The Company, while preserving the principle of respect for the privacy of its employees, reserves the right to regulate the dissemination of information about Company activities.

The Company's employees are obliged to comply with the conditions for keeping trade secrets, to ensure and observe the confidentiality of the information received in accordance with the Agreement on Trade Secrets.

Employees of the Company must ensure that its tangible and intangible assets are safeguarded.

Each employee of the Company is obliged to take care of the Company's safety and not to cause it any harm by any action or omission.

It is the responsibility of every employee of the company to comply with the Code.

It is the responsibility of the HR Department to familiarize employees with this Code.

The Company's management is committed to continuous improvement of the Corporate Policy.

This Code may be reviewed and amended annually.

Compliance with corporate procedures and standards is mandatory for all Company employees, but it should not be applied mechanically, without regard to the specific circumstances and without regard to common sense.